10 Relaxing Yoga Poses For Mental Health

Yoga for mental health is a growing trend, with many studies showing that regular practice provides several health benefits beyond physical well-being. Yoga can help with anxiety and depression, addiction, PTSD, and chronic pain. 

There is a stack of benefits that you can achieve by practicing yoga. In this article, the benefits of yoga are explored in detail. The main aim is to give tips that might help reduce anxiety and depression levels in people who practice regularly and also find it very beneficial. 

Also, the 10 poses on the bottom list will help reduce stress and improve sleep quality and moods.

Benefits of yoga for mental health

Yoga is practiced by people from all walks of life – from the wealthiest to the poorest. And the reason for its popularity is that it is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Yoga classes are designed in such a way that every individual could find their level of comfort and inspire themselves. Whether you are an expert or just a beginner, yoga can effectively address all your health issues. Here are a few examples of the benefits of yoga for mental health:

  • 1. A sharper brain
    Yoga is the best thing that we can do for your brain. It is proven to improve memory and cognitive function. It improves attention and concentration, increases sleep quality, and reduces stress levels, thus increasing overall brain health. 
  • 2. Reducing Anger
    Yoga can help reduce anger levels, which is a valuable benefit for people suffering from major depression. You can take control of your anger without any medication. 
  • 3. Improved mood
    Yoga can help you feel more positive and control your emotions. You can also work on your confidence, assertiveness, and self-esteem. It helps to improve sleep quality, which is very important. 

    Sleep helps rejuvenate your brain cells, and you will have more energy during the day. It would be best if you slept well to improve your memory and cognitive function.
  • 4. Reducing Anxiety
    Yoga can help you relax by working on stress management to reduce anxiety symptoms such as fear, panic attacks, or phobias associated with depression. It also helps to work on your breathing. Yoga helps increase your heart rate, which also works well on anxiety levels.
  • 5. Improving Sleep
    You can start with just 10 minutes of yoga practice daily, and it will help you sleep better and more soundly at night. 

    Yoga works great for those who have trouble sleeping and need to sneak out of bed in the middle of the night. It also helps people with insomnia as it regulates their nervous system so that they fall asleep easily once they are ready to do so.
  • 6. Reducing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Symptoms
    PTSD is one of the most common mental health issues in veterans and survivors of war. It results from severe trauma, leading to serious mental health problems, including depression, panic attacks, and hallucinations. It can be extremely difficult to cope with PTSD as the symptoms are numerous and severe.

    However, yoga helps bring back a sense of calmness in stressful situations. Yoga also brings back happiness and a positive outlook after going through trauma or stress, which leads to a significant reduction in the severity of PTSD symptoms. Yoga has proven its effectiveness for people who have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
  • 7. Release helpful brain chemicals
    Yoga helps release endorphins (hormones that trigger a sense of well-being and happiness) in your brain. You can also work on lowering your stress hormones and increasing the level of serotonin in your brain, which helps reduce anxiety symptoms.

    Yoga is also beneficial for those with anxiety or panic attacks as it brings them back to a positive state of mind.
  • 8. Relieve depression
    Yoga helps reduce depression and brings back a positive way of thinking about your life. If you have a loved one who is suffering from depression, yoga can be a very effective way to help them feel better.Yoga helps reduce depression and brings back a positive way of thinking about your life. If you have a loved one who is suffering from depression, yoga can be a very effective way to help them feel better.

    It also reduces the symptoms of anxiety and stress associated with depression, which makes the individual much more receptive to other treatment options available.
  • 9. Promote other healthy habits
    Yoga is often seen as a super health food that you can use to improve other healthy habits such as smoking cessation, eating healthy, losing weight, or becoming more active.  You can base your fitness program on yoga to improve physical fitness and encourage other healthy activities.
  • 10. Enhance social life
    Yoga is an excellent social activity. You can make new friends who are also into yoga at yoga classes or yoga studios. It is a great way to meet new people and stay mentally healthy and active in the community.
  • 11. Helps Focus
    Yoga is great for people who have trouble focusing on their day-to-day tasks and improves concentration, which is very important.
  • 12. Helps Build Confidence
    When you feel good about yourself, you tend to be more confident in your day-to-day life. Yoga helps you look at yourself from another perspective and makes you feel better.
  • 13. Improves Patience
    Yoga helps you understand the concept of patience and learn how to be patient while dealing with life's adversities. Patience helps to prevent anger and stress.

10  Relaxing yoga poses for mental health

Yoga has many benefits on physical health as well as mental health. You can follow this sequence of poses for better brain activity and mental stress relief. 

Make this yoga your daily routine to feel good about yourself and stay relaxed all the time. This yoga sequence is said to boost concentration and memory and reduce anxiety. Here are the ten yoga poses for your mental health.

1. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

The Cobra pose is one of the best for boosting your brain activity. It helps to improve your concentration and memory. You can start the sequence by making your spine straight.

Now, arch your back and lift it as if trying to touch your feet with the head. When you perform this posture for the first time, hold for 3 to 5 minutes, and then you can get away from that period. 

It would help if you tried to increase the period of holding the posture gradually. If you want this yoga as a part of your daily routine, do it 2-3 times a week.

2. Makarasana (Crocodile pose)

The crocodile pose helps reduce anxiety and stress. It helps to work on the back portion of the mind and the neck. Make your spine long and flat by bringing your chin towards the chest.

Keep your legs together and stretch them outwards. Keep them straight, not bent. Now lean back so you can make a triangle from your upper body. If you want to perform this pose standing, stand straight with your arms at your sides with palms facing downwards. 

Then raise the arms but don't touch the shoulders or ears with the palms of hands.

Photo source: Online

3. Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel pose)

Urdhva Dhanurasana helps to promote calmness, focus, and concentration. It is a great pose for those suffering from anxiety and stress. To perform this yoga, start by standing straight with your legs apart and arms at your sides (palms pointing downwards).

Now lift the feet so you can touch the toes with the neck. You can bend down forward so that it is possible to touch your head on the floor. If you want to perform this pose as a standing posture, stand straight with both feet together while keeping your arms at your sides (palms facing downwards).

Photo source: Online

4. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) 

Paschimottanasana helps to relieve anxiety, stress, and depression. It is also known to improve blood circulation and regulate the hormones in our body, which is good for reducing anxiety, improving memory, and promoting overall health. To perform this pose, start by sitting straight with the legs outstretched.

Then bend forward so that you can touch your toes. Try to stretch yourself as much as possible without making your spine curve or arch backward. If you don't get a chance to do this pose in a seated posture, it is fine; you can also try it in a lying-down position on the floor.

Photo source: Online

5. Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

Dhanurasana helps to release muscle tension and calm the mind. It also promotes focus and concentration. Start by sitting straight and stretch both feet outwards. Then bend backward so that all the weight rests on your thighs. Keep the spine straight while bending downwards until your lower back touches the floor.

Photo source: Online

6. Supta Kurmasana (Sleeping Tortoise Pose)

Supta Kurmasana is a good pose for relieving back pain because it stretches joints in the upper body. It helps to improve circulation as well. Start by lying down on your stomach with both hands under the shoulders, then push yourself back to lie with your forehead on the floor. Now try to push yourself up so you can get a height from your knees to your shoulders. It will help if you keep your arms straight while pushing yourself up.

Photo source: Online

7. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)

Adho Mukha Svanasana is a good pose for releasing and stretching the lower back muscles. It helps to build muscles and improve the flexibility of the body. Start by lying on your stomach with your hands under the shoulders, and then push yourself back to lie with your forehead on the floor.

Now try to push yourself up so you can get a height from your knees to your shoulders. It would be best to keep your arms straight while pushing yourself up.

8. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)

Ardha Matsyendrasana helps to improve concentration. It is also known to improve digestion, reduce depression and relieve headaches. This asana is very helpful in relieving stress if you have diabetes. 

Start by sitting straight with your legs stretched out on the floor. Now bend one leg while keeping both the knees straight. Then put your hands on your feet and start rotating them so that you can make circles (clockwise or anticlockwise)

You can stick to the sides of a chair or a wall to make sure that you are not moving too far away from it. After you move a few times, try to move back to its original position.

Photo source: Online

9. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Extended Hand-to-Big Toe Pose)

The Extended Hand-to-Big Toe is a good pose for relieving stress and anxiety. It also helps to stretch the body and improve the flexibility of the joints and muscles in your body. This yoga is helpful when you suffer from stress, depression, and anxiety disorders. Start by sitting straight with your legs stretched out on the floor.

Now bend one leg while keeping both the knees straight. Now put your hands on your feet and start rotating them so that you can make circles (clockwise or anticlockwise). You can stick to the sides of a chair or a wall to make sure that you are not moving too far away from it. After you move a few times, try to move back to its original position.

Photo source: Online

10. Anjaneyasana (Low lunge)

Anjaneyasana is one of the asanas you can perform in many different ways. It gives a good stretch to the inner thigh, groin, back, and shoulders. It also helps to correct the spine's alignment and back pain.

It also promotes blood flow throughout the body and keeps your mind calm and relaxed. To perform this asana, start by standing straight with your feet apart (around 3-4 inches). Then bend one knee while keeping the other extended so you can make a low lunge position.

Photo source: Online


Yoga is an ancient practice that has evolved into many different forms. You can start practicing yoga in the comfort of your home or in a studio that offers affordable packages for beginners like you. 

Many poses can be practiced while facing other directions. The above 10 poses have been mentioned according to their relief to the mind and body when performed.

So, whether you're looking for mental health benefits or other possible physical benefits, yoga is an excellent way to improve your mental health without any side effects.