Prenatal Yoga: 10 safe Poses to Ease Aches
You must take it easy and concentrate on your well-being throughout your pregnancy. With this in mind, we've put together a comprehensive guide to when to start pregnancy yoga and why. You might think such a gentle exercise is acceptable at any point in the nine months.
But there are many reasons not to delay getting pregnant yoga into your daily routine - whether you're already practicing or just starting.
Find a few of these poses you enjoy doing during your trimester, and pick a few others to try later on.

When to start Pregnancy Yoga
You'll want to start your Pregnancy Yoga regimen as soon as you can after conception. The sooner you do it, the more manageable, and the better for all of you.
It's not just that you could be entering your third trimester before you know it; every week counts for getting the most out of your pregnancy yoga practice.
Benefits of Yoga in Pregnancy
So why are things intensifying in the first place? Well, there are several reasons why you should start practicing pregnancy yoga as early as possible. Below is a quick run-down of the benefits of prenatal yoga poses:
01. Reducing back pain
The most common complaint about pregnancy is discomfort in the lower back and pelvis, caused by hormonal changes, hormone-induced soft tissue changes, and general muscle tension. Yoga is a relaxation technique that reduces stress, particularly in your lower back and spine. It can improve blood circulation and keep you limber and flexible.
It can prevent long-term back damage and ensure you have a healthy pregnancy as your baby grows inside. Please note that yoga should never be done when pregnant or at risk of pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes; consult with your doctor before starting any exercise routine to discuss safety guidelines.
02: It helps to ease morning sickness
Nausea can be a daily battle for many pregnant women. Yoga helps you feel less nauseous and light-headed by improving blood circulation, which boosts the oxygen supply to your brain and can help alleviate some of the negative symptoms of early pregnancy. It can also help you sleep better, as it gives you more restful nights - something that's vital during pregnancy.
03: Building stamina and encouraging blood circulation
Due to the hormonal changes during pregnancy, many women lack concentration. They get easily fatigued, their breath becomes shallow, and they generally feel unwell. Yoga combats this by helping you build up stamina. The gentle stretching also encourages good circulation of oxygen-rich blood to all body parts. It helps maintain general health and gives you better sleep at night.
04: Enhancing your mental well-being
The hormone changes naturally occurring during pregnancy can be complex on the body, causing you to feel moody, irritable, and sometimes depressed. Yoga builds your mental strength and helps keep you calm during this time - an invaluable tool for pregnant women battling against their hormones!
05: Improving flexibility
Yoga is about keeping fit and flexible for your body and mind. In pregnancy, not all stretching will be performed by you but rather by your baby, who will grow and move around inside you. Therefore yoga helps to prepare your body for labor, helping you to deliver naturally and with minimal pain.
06: Significant pelvic strength
This area of the body is crucial for healthy labor and delivery, so improving its strength will go a long way to helping you achieve a safe birth for you and your baby. As the pregnancy progresses and your baby becomes heavier, you will naturally find it harder to keep up with all the pressure on your pelvic area. It can result in back pain or something dramatic like a prolapsed uterus, which needs medical attention.
Yoga helps to build significant pelvic strength that can assist you in taking the weight of your baby and prevent any significant health problems.
07: Reducing blood pressure
High blood pressure is something that occurs naturally during pregnancy. However, if it gets too high, then it could put both you and your baby at serious risk. Yoga is a fantastic way to reduce this and help you sleep better.
Many women report reducing their blood pressure by doing prenatal yoga, making them feel much healthier and more relaxed. If it is high, it could indicate that you are experiencing pre-eclampsia: a dire condition in which the pressure on the walls of your uterus increases during pregnancy. You can treat with medications or surgery, although prompt action is critical.

Precautions for pregnant women doing yoga (should avoid)
Not all yoga poses are appropriate for pregnant women. Some postures, such as lying on your back, are not recommended because of the increased risk of developing a urinary tract infection or stress incontinence.
Some of the primary precautions and pregnancy yoga poses to avoid that pregnant women should take when doing yoga include:
01: Jumping/bouncing
It might be tempting for pregnant women to perform vigorous movements to get the best stretch from a pose. But jumping in poses can have the potential to damage your hips and lower back, which is not healthy for you or your baby.
02: Intense backbends
Some yoga poses will bend you backward; your back should not be in this position for too long. It can increase the risk of back pain and hinder your breathing. Plus, those intense back bends can affect your baby's movement inside you.
03: Laying on the stomach
Sitting on the foul during and after a yoga class is not healthy for you or your baby because it may prevent you from getting enough oxygen throughout your body. It can increase the risk of low blood pressure, fainting, and heart arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat).
04: Twisting
Some twists can risk your baby being improperly positioned during birth. Your doctor can specify which poses are safe for your case.
05: Laying on the back for too long
Sleeping on your back for too long may lead to back pain, difficulty breathing, and low blood pressure. Lying on your back is not a good idea during pregnancy because it can pressure your vena cava and take away from the nutrients supplied to the baby through this vein.
06: Exercise if you have high blood pressure
If you suffer from uncontrolled hypertension, it is not safe to practice yoga while pregnant.
07: Exercise if your baby is breech or transverse
Avoid doing poses that involve bending backward or lying on your stomach. Make sure you don't twist in a way that could put the baby's head in a breech position. Avoid strenuous exercise that causes the baby to move from the head-down position. If your baby is already out of this position, be sure not to do any abdominal exercises.

10 safe yoga poses to ease pregnancy aches
Now that we go through the precautions, we get to the good stuff - practicing yoga during your pregnancy. It is safe to say that everyone wants to feel better during their pregnancy, whether they're into yoga or not.
There are ten different poses considered "safe" for pregnant women. These poses will alleviate soreness and pain while also fostering a sense of accomplishment while practicing during the period when you can do it without risking injury or harm to yourself or the baby.
In any exercise routine, you must take each step slowly, giving your body enough time to adjust and strengthen before advancing further.
01: Child's pose
This pose is perfect for relieving tension in the back and neck. For this pose, lie down on your back with your knees bent. Make sure to keep the legs straight while you are relaxing. Also, patting yourself on the belly is essential because it will help settle the baby into a correct position.
Pay attention to these movements - if the legs turn out, the spine will twist, and a strain can occur. It can cause problems with back pain - so know where you are going and how far you are willing to go!

Photo source: Online
02: Cat/Cow
The prenatal yoga poses 1st trimester move are ideal for stretching the spine. For the 'cat' position, get down on all fours and ensure that you rest your stomach on your thighs. Tuck your chin towards your chest, arching the back to create an arch.
To do the 'cow' pose, lay back as if you're about to do a child's pose - but keep the back straight. Move slowly through each transition of this move - you need to be careful that you don't stretch too far too fast. The goal is to extend and arch the spine's joints without bending or rotating them so there isn't any stress on them or tightness caused by overstretching.

Photo source: Online
03: Bridge
For this pose, start on your hands and knees. Make sure to keep your knees hip distance apart with your toes pointed. It's essential to keep the spine straight, so you do not strain any muscles in your back or spine.
To move through this pose, lift onto the tips of your toes and press down on the floor. You should feel a nice stretch in the inner thighs. Be careful how far you go through the transition between each part of this pose - it is good to change positions slowly and carefully to avoid injury.

Photo source: Online
04: Boat Pose
It is good due to its ability to work simultaneously on both sides of the body. You can also rely on it during your third trimester when many of the systems in your body need to be cleared out, and it is easier to find pain relief.
Put your hands on your buttocks and bring the knees to the side with a hip distance apart. Rock back and forth to move through this pose while keeping your knees together. Make sure you are not overstretching or straining any muscles - keep a nice, even pace while cruising through this transition.

Photo source: Online
05: Legs Up The Wall Pose
It is another move that can help with soreness as well as strength training at the same time. Sit on the floor with a leg stretched straight in front of you. Place your hands against the mat to help you keep balance. Keeping your hips on the floor, press down into your heel and lift onto the toes of the extended leg. Hold up to five breaths before resting and repeating on the other side.

Photo source: Online
06: Squat
Start with this pose once you reach the halfway point of your first trimester. It will aid in iron absorption and is especially good for toning the hips, thighs, and legs. For this pose, go down into a squatting position with your feet hip distance apart, and toes pointed outwards.
Aim for a stable, grounded position while sitting up straight. You should keep your back straight as you stand up again, always remembering to breathe through each transition. You will want to move slowly so as not to strain any muscles or joints that are not used to this type of stretch or force.

Photo source: Online
07: Frog pose
This move is known as the 'Alice in Wonderland pose. It's a good stretch for the back and hips, but not going down too far as well as it may cause a strain on the upper spine. For this pose, you will want to lie on your stomach with your arms above your head. Also, ensure that you are not bending your knees to close the leg in front of you - the foot should remain flat on the floor. Begin by lowering both shoulders and upper back along with your head towards the bottom. Keep looking ahead and arching through your spine, so there is no pain or strain from overstretching any muscles or joints.

Photo source: Online
08: Triangle pose
This pose is the most difficult on the list for most people, but it's suitable for pregnant women due to its ability to stretch the quadriceps and hip flexor muscles. It also helps circulation as well as elevates your mood. For this pose, get into your precious triangle position.
You will want to be standing on one leg with your other leg stretched out in front of you with its foot flat on the floor at a right angle. It can be tricky - you will want to find a balance point, so you do not feel any strain or pain while moving through this pose.

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09: Goddess pose
Lying down on your back, you will want to place a pillow or block beneath your buttocks - this will help to align your hips and help relieve any pain that is experienced in the lower back. To move through this pose, elevate your chest as you cross one leg over the other. Remember that there should be no pain - if you are experiencing any, stop immediately.

Photo source: Online
10. Monkey twist
It is one of the ultimate prenatal yoga poses in the second trimester for women who have had a vaginal delivery because it eases the tissues, muscles, and ligaments. It would be best if you did not lift your hips too far - this can cause strain on the joints or back. You will want to sit on your bottom with bent knees and ankles crossed.
When coming up, bring your left foot into the crook of your right arm and use it to pull your left shoulder down towards the floor. You should also get your head toward the floor and twist side to side as you reach each transition.

Photo source: Online
Prenatal yoga poses are a great way to get extra exercise right before you have your baby and even afterward. These poses are perfect for pregnant women and their partners - they will help with their recovery before the baby arrives and can keep that recovery going throughout their postpartum time.
If these poses are not challenging enough for you, there are many more pregnancy yoga poses you can try - be sure to listen to your body's needs.